Plenary speakers | LUMEN ESH2017


Veaceslav MANOLACHI, Ph.D.

Professor Ph.D. Hab., Rector of State University of Physical Education and Sport of Chisinau (MOLDOVA)

Rector of the State University of Physical Education and Sport of Chisinau (Republic of Moldova). I am also Merited Coach, holder of the Order of the Republic, holder of the honorary title The Name in Science, Honorary Professor of the Academic Union, Oxford. I have published over 100 scientific papers, courses, textbooks, and monographs. I have coordinated over 20 Ph.D. students as Doctoral Supervisor in the field of physical culture. In the last five years, we obtained two patents and registration certificates with copyright objects. The publication is mainly focused on physical education and sports management, sports psychology and philosophy. I have participated in national and international projects, including as project manager.


Cristian Mihail RUS, PhD

Lecturer PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (ROMANIA)

Visiting professor at Volda University College, Norway, funded program by Norwegian Government; Aarhus University Denmark; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany;
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Aydin, Turkey; Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Cristian Mihail Rus – Bachelor’s degree holder in gymnastics, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Linguistics and Sciences, Bacau, Romania. Master’s degree in “Intercultural Education”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. Master’s degree holder of Olympic Studies module/ specialization, Loughborough University (UK). Doctor in Education Sciences, State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Graduated  “University staff human resources management” course, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. Graduated “Quality, innovation, communication in life-long training system of higher education practitioners”,  Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport in collaboration with the University of Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara. Graduated Foreign Policy and Diplomacy,  Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

The author of many specialized scientific studies, sole author, and contributor to several courses and auxiliaries. The author of the books: 2012 – “Karate. For physical education and sports teacher”. 2011 – “Gymnastics in School”. 2009 – “Physical education teacher training. Basic gymnastics means for higher education”. 2008 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Badminton”. 2007 – “Physical education teacher training. Basic gymnastics methods for higher education”. 2005 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Gymnastics”. Coordinated volume: 2010 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Methods used in school”.

Professor PhD Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU
PhD in pedagogy, docent, Prorector of State University of Physical Education and Sport (MOLDOVA)

Activating the State University of Physical Education and Sport of Chisinau office of vice rector for scientific work, holding a PhD in pedagogy, docent.
She had published over 50 scientific articles, textbooks, lecture notes and monographs in sport management and legislation.
The scientific – teaching activity is centered mainly on the physical culture and sports, professional management and legislation. She teaches courses in Cycle I, II and III and qualifying as PhD supervisor. She successfully participated in research projects of national and international, and reviewed various scientific articles.


Antonio SANDU, PhD

Professor PhD, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA)
Researcher LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi (ROMANIA)
Deputy Chair in Romanian Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Cluj (ROMANIA)

Antonio Sandu currently works as Professor PhD at the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, and as a Senior Researcher at the LUMEN Research Centre in Social & Humanistic Sciences in Iasi (Romania). He was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Health Policy of “Gr. T. Popa” University, Iasi. He has a BA in Philosophy, another one in Social Work, and the third BA in law. The author also has a MA in Probation and Social Reintegration from “Al. I. Cuza” University. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi (Romania), with a thesis entitled „Oriental Philosophy and Modern Physics. A Humanistic Vision on Universe”.

His main areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, social work and social philosophy. He has authored more than 15 books in Social Work, Philosophy, and Applied Ethics, with more than 100 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

The original contributions of the author’s scientific activities start from the social construction of reality, and social constructionism seen from a semiological perspective. He analyses the social construction of reality by developing his very own version of social constructionism at the intersection between the constructionist paradigm and the theory of communicative action.

Cristiana Lucretia POP, PhD

Professor PhD, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ROMANIA)

Cristiana Pop currently works as Professor PhD at the University of Economic Studies, Physical Education and Sport Department. She has a Bachelor degree in Physical Education, a MA in sport performance and a PhD in Physical Education and sport from the National Physical Education and Sport University of Bucharest (Romania). Her doctoral thesis was entitled „Educational Management Applied to PE in Higher Education”. Her primarily academic focus is youth physical activity for a healthy life.

Her main areas of interest include physical and health education, athletics, management and communication in physical education and sport, Olympic history. She has authored 11 books in Physical Education Didactics, Athletics, Educational Management, Health and well-being with more than 50 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

She is member of Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, member of Romanian Athletic Federation (women commission) and has had research collaboration with Romanian Academy, Anthropological Institute Research Center. She is Senior Editor and Editorial Board Member of several reviews in education, health and sport sciences domain.

PhD Roxana NECULA, PhD

President of the territorial department of CNASR Iasi, ROMANIA; PhD Associated professor at University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences (ROMANIA)

Simona-Irina DAMIAN, PhD
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi(ROMANIA)

Ph.D. in Medical Sciences at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Romania, 2012. M.D., graduated University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” in 1998 and Faculty of Juridical Sciences, University “Mihail Kogalniceanu” Iasi in 2006. Master in Penal Sciences and Criminalistics in 2007. Post-doctoral researcher in Ethics and Psychiatry. Currently works as Assistant Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iaşi, Romania and as MD, specialty Forensic Medicine, at the Institute of Legal Medicine Iaşi. Author and co-author of various papers in journals and conferences.

Associate Professor PhD Monica PĂTRUŢ
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Faculty of Letters, ROMANIA

Author of 7 books in the field of social media, published by prestigious publishing houses such as IGI Global, Lambert Academic Publishing, Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München.

  • Social Media in Politics: Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media (Bogdan Pătruţ, Monica Pătruţ), (eds), Springer, 2014
  • Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges, (Bogdan Pătruţ, Monica Pătruţ, Camelia Cmeciu (eds), Information Science Reference – IGI Global, Hershey, PA, SUA, 2013
  • Social Media in Higher Education: Teaching in Web 2.0, (Monica Pătruţ, Bogdan Pătruţ (eds), Information Science Reference – IGI Global, Hershey, PA, SUA, 2013
  • Web 2.0 in Education and Politics. The Social Media Revolution, (Monica Pătruţ, Bogdan Pătruţ (eds) , Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2013

She published several chapters in collective volumes, such as:

  • Facebook Dispute concerning the Presidency. Case Study: Romania, 2012 în Bogdan Pătruţ, Monica Pătruţ (eds), Social Media in Politics: Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media , Springer, 2014: 245-256
  • The Visual Framing of Romanian Women Politicians in Personal Campaign Blogs during the Romanian Parliamentary Elections (Camelia Cmeciu, Monica Pătruţ) în Maria Raicheva-Stover, Elza Ibroscheva (eds) Women in Politics and Media. 2 Perspectives from Nations in Transition, London, UK : Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 : 181-198
  • Using Graph Theory Software for Political Discourse Analysis (Bogdan Pătruţ, Monica Pătruţ, Camelia Cmeciu) în Ashu M. G. Solo (eds) Political Campaigning in the Information Age, SUA: IGI Global, 2014 : 265-286