Masă rotundă | Asistența socială fără frontiere
Prezentatori |
Dr. Roxana NECULA – Președinte al filialei teritoriale CNASR Iași, ROMÂNIA; Lector univ. Dr. La Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași, Departamentul de Filosofie și Științe Sociale și Catedra de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației (ROMÂNIA)
Round Table | Social Work without Frontiers
Chair |
Roxana NECULA – President of the territorial department of CNASR Iasi, ROMANIA; PhD Associated professor at University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences (ROMANIA)
Aims of the round Table |
The purpose of the workshop is to debate social practice under the challenges of contemporary ethics, in the context of the international practices. Current social work from the perspective of the governing ethical values, at theoretical and practical level, without drawing a precise disciplinary border will be discussed, having as starting point the connections between Romanian practice and other countries best practices.
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