Masă rotundă | Posibilități de publicare științifică cu vizibilitate internațională – Editura LUMEN – 16 ani de excelență editorială
Prezentatori |
1. Profesor dr. Antonio SANDU – Director al Centrului de Conferințe LUMEN
2. Dr. Ana FRUNZĂ – Cercetător Științific 3, Centrul de Cercetari Socio-Umane LUMEN
Round Table | Scientific publication opportunities with international visibility – LUMEN Publishing House – 16 years of editorial excellence
Chairs |
1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Director of LUMEN Conference Center
2. PhD Ana FRUNZĂ – Scientific Researcher 3, LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences
Aims of the round Table |
During the round table, there will be the discussions and presentation of the scientific activities – LUMEN journals, LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, LUMEN Conference Center, LUMEN Publishing. The main focus of the round table will the launching of the 5 newest open access journals published by LUMEN Publishing:
Registration | for registration as auditor please send us your intention at together with following information: