Call for Papers | 4th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health | 29-30 September 2017 | Chisinau, Moldova
Dragi Colaboratori,
Asociatia LUMEN, alaturi de colaboratorii si partenerii in organizare, anunta a 4-a editie a Conferintei Internationale Stiintifice Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health | 29-30 September 2017 | Chisinau, Moldova.
A 4-a editie a Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference (CEE LUMEN) este dedicata stiintei in educatie, sport si sanatate, aducand in discutie cadrele actuale ale educatiei multidimensionale, in congruenta cu etica si dezvoltarea domeniului educatiei fizice si sportului, dar si a sanatatii, in contextul cercetarii in tarile din Europa Centrala si de Est.
Scop şi tematici | Inca de la lansarea seriei Conferintelor CEE LUMEN, ne dorim sa facilitam dialogul dintre practicieni, cercetatori si teoreticieni din tarile central si est- europene.
Asteptam propuneri din domeniile mai jos mentionate, dar fara a limita propunerile la aceste domenii: EDUCATIE, SPORT si SANATATE. Pentru a vizualiza sub-domeniile fiecarui domeniu consultati informatiile care se regasesc in link-ul de mai jos:
Publicare | Lucrările prezentate la 4th CEE LUMEN ESH 2017 pot fi publicate în volum de proceedings cu ISBN, publicat de Editura LUMEN – ce va fi indexat in CEEOL, RePeC, EconPapers si propus spre indexare Web of Science, conference Proceedings citation Index (Thomson Reuters), sau în jurnale indexate în baze de date internaţionale – LUMEN. Vezi mai mult
Înregistrare | Asteptam inscrierile Dvs. utilizând template-ul disponibil la adresa
Deadline Early registration| Termenul limită pentru înregistrarea timpurie este de 15 iulie 2017. Pentru a vedea termenele limita pentru toate cele 3 perioade de înregistrare si pentru a vedea taxele aferente fiecărei perioade accesaţi link-ul termene limita si taxe de participare
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Call for Papers | 4th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health | 29-30 September 2017 | Chisinau, Moldova
Dear Collaborators,
LUMEN Association, together with its collaborators and co-organizers, announces the 4th edition of the Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health | 29-30 September 2017 | Chisinau Moldova
The 4th edition of the LUMEN International Scientific Conference in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE LUMEN) is dedicated to science in the fields of education, sports and health, and brings into discussion the current multidimensional education frameworks, in conjunction with the ethics and the development of the physical and sports education, as well as health, in the context of scientific (theoretical and empirical) research in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Aims & Topics | Since the launch of the CEE LUMEN Conferences series, we aimed at facilitating the dialogue between practitioners, researchers and theorists, from all over the Central and Eastern European countries.
We look forward to receiving proposals in the bellow mentioned topics, without a clearly defined boundary: EDUCATION, SPORT, and HEALTH. To view the sub-domains of each area, see the information in the link below:
Publication | The papers presented at the 4th CEE LUMEN ESH 2017 can be published in ISBN Proceedings volume, published by LUMEN Publishing House – which will be indexed in CEEOL, RePeC, EconPapers and proposed for indexing in Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Thomson Reuters) or in journals indexed in international databases – LUMEN. See more
Registration | We are waiting for your registration using the template available for download at
Deadline Early registration | The deadline for early registration is July 15, 2017. To see the deadlines for all three registration periods and the fees for each period, access the link
We are waiting for you in Chisinau at the fourth edition of the LUMEN Conference: LUMEN – ESH 2017!
Hab. Prof. PhD. Antonio SANDU – Director of Centrul De Cercetari Socio-Umane Lumen
PhD. Ana FRUNZA – 4th CEE LUMEN -ESH 2017 Conference Coordinator
MA Loredana BOIEA – LUMEN PR Department
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