Workshop | Publication Ethics
Main Organizer Institution | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Iasi | Romania
Coordinators |
Overview |
In this workshop, we will discuss a number of specific aspects of research publishing, and how these aspects are reflected in the work of international fora in publication ethics – such as COPE – Committee of Publication Ethics.
Starting from specific case studies related to the issue of originality of scientific contributions, we will address the following topics: Who is an author and how authorship, (co)authorship or multiple authorship are defined in different research areas; what are the ethical requirements of writing a scientific paper; what duplicate content means; what are (or can be) the ethical standards that help increase the quality of scientific works; what plagiarism means.
We will address these topics and more during the workshop, with the aim of increasing awareness of this controversial area of research. Participants at any stage of their research careers, who wish to discuss ethical issues around scientific publication, are welcome!
Topics | research ethics; research publishing; COPE principles; authorship; original contribution; plagiarism.
Period | November 17-19, 2016
Registration | Please send your proposals at using the template from DOWNLOADS MEPDEV2016
Deadline workshop registration | Please see the conference deadlines