Workshop Title | Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Relation to Informal / Non-formal Education
Main Organizer Institution | Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania – Teacher Training Department
Co-organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Romania
Chair |
Overview |
In recent decades, the informal and non-formal education broadened their area of interest to the target audiences, diversifying their messages and recording a much stronger impact than the formal education. And this is happening taking into account that initial training for the teaching profession does not include explicit actions focused on the development of teaching skills specific directed to informal and non-formal education.
In this respect, we believe that policies and practices of the professionalization of the teaching career should clearly take into account the development of the related teachers’ skill related to informal and non-formal education, correlated with a series of objectives and specific contents. The proposed Workshop call all the teachers interested in both educational dimensions, having the objectives:
Topics |
Continuous Professional Development, Informal Education Non-formal Education, Professional Competences, Transversal Competences
Period | November 17, 2016, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Registration | Please send your proposals at using the template fromDOWNLOADS MEPDEV2016
Deadline workshop registration | Please see the conference deadlines