Call for papers | MEPDEV2016

CALL for PAPERS | 2nd Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education & Professional Development. Ethical Values | MEPDEV 2nd edition | 17-19 November 2016 | Targoviste, Romania

Dear Friends, 

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2nd Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education & Professional Development. Ethical Values | MEPDEV 2nd edition | 17-19 November 2016 | Targoviste, Romania

We invite you to participate at the congress with oral and poster presentations type (for authors affiliated to institutions and research centers in Romania and abroad) and virtual (for authors affiliated with institutions from abroad)

Types of presentations within 2nd CEE LUMEN MEPDEV2016

Plenary presentations

Plenary sessions will be dedicated to the specific areas of the conference: ethics and professional development in central and eastern European countries.

Even if the majority of the plenary speeches will be invited speeches, proposals of plenary presentations can be sent to the organizers, prior to 1st of August 2016.

A plenary speaker is expected to be at least PhD/ECR and have at least 4 H-factor in Google Scholars.

A plenary presentation should be sole authored.

Please provide the following:

  • Title of the paper
  • Full affiliation and contact
  • Keywords
  • The conference theme in which the paper should be included
  • Abstract (max 250 words): Research Problem, Methodology, Originality, Conclusion
  • Biodata (short professional description)

Associated Events: Workshops

Workshops are associated events organized by research or educational institutions in one particular area of the conference. A Workshop should be constituted from at least 1 chair (who can also be speaker) and 5 participants. Workshops are open to large debates on chosen topic, starting from the presented papers. We encourage auditors to participate to discussions, even they are not registered with papers. The participation as auditor will be certified with certificate of participation.

  • Workshop Title | Please fill in with the title
  • Main Organizer Institution | Please fill in with the name
  • Co-organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Romania & Valahia University from Targoviste, Romania
  • Chairfull name, affiliations and contact
  • The chairs for accepted proposals will be included in the organizing team and will be exempted from fee participation (only one chair per session will benefit of exemption of fee participation for one paper presented)
  • Overview | Please describe the workshop (maximum 250 words)
  • Topics | Please insert the very particular area of the workshop
  • Period | Please propose a date between 17 & 18 of November 2016
  • Registered participants |Please specify at least 5 participants (full name, affiliations and contacts, proposals of presentations titles & abstracts – 250 word abstract limit)
  • Registration | Please send your proposals at
  • Deadline workshop registration1st of October 2016


Symposia are carefully-constructed, themed sessions of interrelating papers. Each symposia should consist of a Chair (who can also be panel speaker) and between 3- 4 panel speakers, one of which must be PhD/ECR (early career researchers).

Symposia should be as discursive as possible. The introduction and presentation portion of the event is to last for 40-45 minutes. Each speaker will have 10-12 minutes for their respective oral presentations, followed by 40-45 minutes of questions and discussion from the audience.

There must be an overarching theme between all of the papers submitted which corresponds with the Congress themes. The Chair is expected to liaise closely with all speakers before the event and to ensure coordination of content and focus of the symposium. The chair must ensure that all papers accepted in symposia will converge to one specific topic. For example, a specific research results could presented of different members of research team.

Please provide the following information in the proposal document:

  • Title of symposium
  • Topics
  • Methodology
  • Symposium Description of the Research Problem
  • Originality
  • Conclusion and
  • Link between different papers i.e. overarching theme.

Each paper featuring in the symposia should also be included with an abstract of 150 words.

Oral Presentation

Presentations consist of individual presentations which will be grouped under one of the conference themes. These will take place during parallel sessions. Presentations must relate to one the conference themes. Speakers must focus on an original contribution to knowledge that is both significant and rigorous. 10 minutes per presenter with 4 minutes discussion each.

Please provide the following information in the abstract document:

  • Title of the paper
  • Authorship (+ full affiliations and contacts)
  • Keywords
  • The conference theme in which the paper should be included
  • Abstract (max 250 words): Research Problem, Methodology, Originality, Conclusion
  • Biodata (short professional description of each author mentioned in the authorship)

The following points should be taken into consideration when preparing an oral presentation:

  • Ensure that you are present in the room at least 10 minutes before the oral session starts within the section you belong;
  • The available equipment will be: PC and Projector;
  • The programs used for presentation will be: PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat (PDF).

Poster presentation

All posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Moreover, there will be dedicated poster sessions for each theme built into the conference programme. Please consult the conference program in order to see the times that posters can be viewed and the dedicated times for each theme. Please note: the dedicated sessions are your opportunity to discuss your work in depth and to answer any questions delegates may have. You are therefore expected to stand beside your poster for the duration of your dedicated session(s). The theme you are categorised by is the theme under which you submitted your paper. All dedicated sessions are approximately 30 minutes long.

The poster must be sent to organizers at least 15 days before the beginning of the Conference, or could be designed and printed by LUMEN team, starting from a maximum 600 word text of your paper (+ 300DPI images) and an additional 20 € fee for designing and printing the poster will be applied.  Please provide the following information in the abstract document:

  • Title of the paper
  • Authorship (+ full affiliations and contacts)
  • Keywords
  • The conference theme in which the paper should be included
  • Abstract (max 250 words): Research Problem, Methodology, Originality, Conclusion
  • Biodata (short professional description of each author mentioned in the authorship)

Virtual presentation

A virtual presentation will last between 10 and 15 minutes, via Skype. Our skype ID is edituralumen. We strongly recommend that you present the paper in maximum 10 minutes, to allow 5 minutes for eventual questions of the audience.

In case you cannot be online for Skype presentation, you need to send us a PowerPoint presentation of the paper you want to introduce to the audience. This is a mandatory requirement as we fully rely on technology within this session (Internet connection, in our case).

Virtual presentation is only available for participants affiliated to other institutions than Romanian.

Please provide the following information in the abstract document:

  • Title of the paper
  • Authorship (+ full affiliations and contacts)
  • Keywords
  • The conference theme in which the paper should be included
  • Abstract (max 250 words): Research Problem, Methodology, Originality, Conclusion
  • Biodata (short professional description of each author mentioned in the authorship)
  • A power point presentation of the paper you want to introduce to the audience (two weeks prior to the conference)

Venue Targoviste, ROMANIA

Contact | WLC2016_bulina_white