Ensure that you are present in the room at least 10 minutes before the oral session starts within the section you belong;
Presentation Submission
Please note: You must provide your presentation for preloading. Please submit your presentation (in English, copy-edited and proofread) via email to lumenconference@gmail.com
If for any reason, you are unable to submit your presentation in advance of the Conference, then you can pre-load your presentation to a laptop via registration desk area when you arrive at the Conference, you must preload this at least two hours before you are due to present. If you are presenting during one of the morning sessions, please upload your presentation the day before.
NB: If there are movie clips included in your presentation you must bring the original movie files as well as the PowerPoint file, otherwise your movie clips will not run.
If you wish to use the PowerPoint template slides, these can be accessed for download at DOWNLOAD page. Please note that slides must be in 16×9 ratio.
AV Equipment supplied
You have for:
A volunteer will be standing at the back of the room and will indicate to you by holding up cards, when you have 5 minutes remaining, 2 minutes remaining and when your time is up.
Each session has a dedicated chair/moderator who has been instructed to ensure that strict timings are observed. Once all speakers have presented in the session, the Chair/moderator will take questions from the floor, open to all speakers and to facilitate wider discussion. 30 minutes have been allocated for this wider debate. The conference is running on a very strict time schedule so it is vital that you keep to your allocated time and respect the contributions of everyone on your panel and from the audience. Please endeavour to arrive at your allocated room 10 minutes in advance of the session, where possible, to allow final arrangements to be made. Your chair/moderator has been advised to make contact with you either pre-conference or at the conference itself ahead of your session.
Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for the authors to display the results and conclusions of the presented paper. The poster will be displayed throughout the posters session for your panel.
The poster must be structured so that it answers the following questions about the structure of the paper:
You are asked to follow these guidelines when submitting your poster:
All posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Moreover, there will be dedicated poster sessions for each theme built into the conference programme. Please note: the dedicated sessions are your opportunity to discuss your work in depth and to answer any questions delegates may have. You are therefore expected to stand beside your poster for the duration of your dedicated session(s). The theme you are categorised by is the theme under which you submitted your paper. All dedicated sessions are approximately 30 minutes long.
The virtual presentation requires:
Contact: you must provide a skype ID. Our skype ID is edituralumen. In order to do that and for any other information you require, please use the following address lumenconference@gmail.com. Also, as a virtual participant, you MUST be online 10 minutes before your actual presentation, in order to check the internet connection and to make necessary changes (volume, light, speed etc.).
Time: a virtual presentation will last between 10 and 15 minutes. We strongly recommend that you present the paper in maximum 10 minutes, to allow 5 minutes for eventual questions of the audience.
Paper: also, you need to send us a PowerPoint presentation of the paper you want to introduce to the audience/a VIDEO of you presenting the paper. This is a mandatory requirement as we fully rely on technology within this session (Internet connection, in our case).
Important! The deadline for submitting PowerPoint presentations is 15 days before the Conference.
As alternative: in case you do not want/ or cannot attend a presentation through Skype, you can also send us (to the email address mentioned above) an MP4 presentation that will be run by our staff. The participants for the virtual presentation will be contacted by e-mail, in case of questions regarding the work presented;
*Virtual Presentations will be accepted case by case, in extraordinary situations; only proposals outside Central and Eastern European Countries will be accepted for evaluation for virtual presentation.
Participants that submit papers whose presentation will be virtual (video format), accept by their submission, that accepted paper will be uploaded automatically on Lumen YouTube Channels, Lumen socialization networks and the Conference website. In case of disagreement with those rules, papers are removed from virtual presentation list and authors are invited to resubmit the paper within other manner of presentation.