[English version HERE]

Bine ati venit pe pagina de inregistrare a celei de a 3-a LUMEN Central and Eastern European International Scientific Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | NASHS 2017 | 8-10 Iunie 2017 | Chisinau, Republica Moldova

Va rugam utilizati template-ul de mai jos pentru a va inregistra prin intermediul LUMEN Submission Platform.

Registration_formTemplate-Abstract_NASHS2017 – pentru prezentare orala, poster si virtuala.

Pentru a trimite un abstract pentru acesta conferinta incepe de aici


In sectiunea “Comments from Lumen Submission Platform” – va rugam , specificati maniera de prezentare: oral, poster, virtual si domeniul de incadrare al abstractului.

Procesul de selectie al abstractelor

Toate inscrierile catre a 3-a CEE LUMEN NASHS2017 sunt supuse unui proces de peer-review. Abstractele inscrise vor fi sub review-ul membrilor Comitetului Stiintific, pentru a asigura legatura cu temele specifice ale Conferintei, pentru a se potrivi tehnic cu Volumul de Abstracte, si aderarea la criteriile de realizare a abstractului, asa cum este specificat de catre organizatori: scop, metodologie, contributie proprie, rezultate si concluzii.

Vom evalua relevanta abstractului trimis in termeni de potrivire cu temele Conferintei si contextul international din domeniu.

Utilzati urmatorul template pentru a va inregistra cu prezentare orala, poster sau virtuala.

Pentru simpozion si workshop, va rugam, trimiteti propunerea dumneavostra, incadrata in template, catre adresa

[English version HERE]

Welcome to the registration page for the 3 rd LUMEN Central and Eastern European International Scientific Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | NASHS 2017 | 8-10 June 2017 | Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Please use the bellow template to register via LUMEN Submission Platform

Registration_formTemplate-Abstract_NASHS2017 – for oral, poster and virtual presentation

Workshop_proposal_template_NASHS_2017_LUMEN – for workshops

Start here to submit an abstract to this conference


In the section Comments from Lumen Submission Platform-  Please specify the manner of presentation: oral, poster, virtual and the topic of your abstract!

Abstract selection process | NASHS2017 

All submissions to the 3rd CEE LUMEN NASHS2017 are subject to peer-review selection. The submitted Abstract will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee, in order ensure compliance with the specific Conference themes, the technical compliance of the template for the Book of Abstracts, and the adherence to the criteria with regard to constructing the abstract, as laid down by the organizers: purpose, methodology, own contribution, results, conclusions.

We will evaluate the relevance of the submitted abstract in terms of the accordance to the Conference theme and to the international context in the field.

Use the template to register your abstract for oral, poster and virtual here.

For symposium and workshop please send your proposal at using the template