Taxe si termene limita pentru inregistrare |
Taxa de inregitrare este individuala, pentru fiecare autor in parte. Atfel, fiecare autor mentionat in Abstractul trimis pentru participarea la Conferinta, este necesar sa achite taxele dupa cum urmeaza in urmatoarele randuri. Taxa de inregistrare nu acopera si publicarea sau participarea in cadrul evenimentului social.
*Pentru paricipantii cu afiliere la institutiile de invatamant si cercetare din Republica Moldova, LUMEN ofera un grant de 50% reducere din taxa de inregistrare. Pentru a putea beneficia de acest Grant, participantii sunt rugati sa specifice institutia de afiliere si dorinta de a beneficia de grant, in mod specific, in Formularul de Inregistrare sau prin e-mail.
Participantii afiliati Universitatii Gazda (ULIM) beneficiaza de participare gratuita in cazul in care se inregistreaza cu prezentare ORALA.
Utilizati acest template pentru a va inregistra abstractul pentru participare orala, poster sau viruala.
Termene limita pentru inregistrare |
ORAL & VIRTUAL Presentation | ||
35 euro(1st submission) | 20 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
Normal 21.05.2017 | 55 euro (1st submission) | 30 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 40 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
POSTER Presentation | ||
Early & Normal 21.05.2017 | 55 euro(1st submission) | 30 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 40 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
SYMPOSIUM & WORKSHOP Presentations | ||
Early & Normal 21.05.2017 | 35 euro(1st submission) | 20 euro(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 55 euro (1st submission) | 40 euro(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Pentru simpozion si workshop va rugam sa trimiteti propunerea dumneavoastra, incadrata in template-ul prezent, la adresa
Termen limita pentru trimiterea ARTICOLULUI IN EXTENSO |
30 iunie 2017 – Termen limita pentru trimiterea articolului in extenso (Pentru a putea trimite articolul in extenso este necesar ca cel putin unul dintre autorii articolului sa fie inregistrat la conferinta). Raspunsul de acceptare/ respingere al ARTICOLULUI IN EXTENSO: 4 saptamani de la trimiterea articolului in extenso. Termen limita pentru achitarea TAXEI DE PUBLICARE: 10 zile dupa acceptarea la publicare a articolului in extenso (nu al abstractului). *Nota: Prin inregistrarea virtuala si cu poster, inregistrare video (sau transmisie live via Skype) si postere – autorii isi dau acordul pentru diseminarea lucrarilor lor pe canalele de Youtube si pe retelele de socializare ale conferintei. Detalii de plata, in EURO | Account holder: Asociatia Lumen CUI: 13720372
Fees & Deadlines |
The registration fee is individual, per each author, which means that each author mentioned in the authorship of the Abstract submitted to the Conference, should pay the fee as follows. The registration fee does not cover the publication, or the participation to the social event. Please see the publication fee page.
* For participants with affiliation to institutions from the Republic of Moldova, LUMEN offers a special Grant of 50% discount from the registration fee. For receiving this Grant, the participants must mention their affiliation and request the grant in the Registration form or e-mail.
Participants affiliated to the Host University (ULIM) benefit from free participation with ORAL presentation.
Deadlines for registration
ORAL & VIRTUAL Presentation | ||
35 euro(1st submission) | 20 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
Normal 21.05.2017 | 55 euro(1st submission) | 30 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 40 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
POSTER Presentation | ||
Early & Normal 21.05.2017 | 55 euro(1st submission) | 30 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 40 euro each(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) | |
SYMPOSIUM & WORKSHOP Presentations | ||
Early & Normal 21.05.2017 | 35 euro(1st submission) | 20 euro(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Late 28.05.2017 | 75 euro(1st submission) | 40 euro(from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author) |
Use the template to register your abstract for oral, poster and virtual here.
For symposium and workshop please send your proposal at using the template
Deadlines for submitting FULL PAPER 30th of June 2017 – Deadline for submitting full paper (For submitting a full paper at least one of the authors must be registered on the conference.) Answer of acceptance/rejection of the FULL PAPER :