Call for papers

6th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | CEE NASHS 6th edition | 19-21 September 2019 | Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

This edition of CEE LUMEN Conferences is organized in conjunction with the 4th edition of the International Scientific Congress “Sport. Olympism. Health”, a conference organized by the State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, our hosts and co-organizers.

Within this event, we also host the 2nd edition of the International Scientific Conference LUMEN Health, an event dedicated to the medical field, with two distinct sections: medical and nursing (medical staff other than MDs).

The 6th edition of Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference is a multidisciplinary event, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging original researches.
This CEE LUMEN International Conference aims to highlight and bring into debate the current frameworks in social sciences, with special emphasis on sociology, social work, education, social philosophy, law and communication.

There are expected papers in the social sciences and humanities fields, but not limited to:
Section 1 Social Sciences | Sociology, Communication, Social Work, Anthropology
Section 2 Humanities | Applied Philosophy, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Bioethics, History, Religious Studies, Language, Arts & Architecture
Section 3 Education | Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sport
Section 4 Political Sciences | Politics, European Studies, International Relations
Section 5 Law | Public Law & Private Law
Section 6 Economics | Management, Marketing, Economy
Section 7 Miscellaneous

We seek to facilitate the dialogue between practitioners, academics and students on current issues, affiliated to various educational and research institutions, in the fields of social sciences and humanities, within the Central and Eastern European space.
The conference aims at presenting, disseminating and promoting international scientific research results, and increasing the international visibility of the research activity.

Submit your Abstract today, at!

Main Organizers |


Co-organizers |

Universitatea de Stat de Educatie Fizica si Sport, Chisinau, Republica Moldova



Partners |


      Univ Babes Bolyai         Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei   ULIM_Moldova    Ion_CREANGA_Chisinau    FFSSP   Grow_More_Fundation_India  LOGO CEPOS