Plenary Speakers NASHS 2021 |

Constanta MATUSESCU, Associate Professor PhD, Valahia University of Targoviste – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Targoviste, Romania

Associate Professor, Ph.D in international law (2003), Dean of Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences – Valahia University of Targoviste, Founding member and member of the steering committee of the Romanian Society of European Law. Areas of academic and scientific interest: European Union Law, European Construction, European Union Governance, Public International Law, Legal Protection of Human Rights. Publications (books): Jurisdictii internationale si europene (2014), Drept institutional al Uniunii Europene (2013), Puterile regionale şi locale în Uniunea Europeană (2011), Alegerile europene şi legitimitatea democratică la nivel comunitar (2009), Construcţia europeană. Evoluţia ideii de unitate europeană (2007).

Plenary Speech Title | The Principle of Conditionality in the context of the new approach to EU enlargement Link to video recording on Editura LUMEN’s YouTube Chanel |