LUMEN Association, together with its collaborators and co-organizers, opens the registration process for the 8th CEE LUMEN International Scientific Conference | New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | LUMEN CEE NASHS 2021 | November 27th, 2021 | Bucharest & Targoviste, Romania & online worldwide
8th CEE LUMEN NASHS 2021 is a multidisciplinary event, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging original researches. This CEE LUMEN International Conference aims to highlight and bring into debate the current frameworks in social sciences, with special emphasis on economics, administrative sciences, law, sociology, social work, education, social philosophy.
To view the topics of the conference, please consult: Aims and topics LUMEN NASHS2021
Venue of the Conference | on site and online event.
Onsite | Venue #1 | Universitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport Bucuresti/National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania
Venue # 2 | Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania
Online | The log-in information for the ZOOM platform will be available to the registered participants, a few days prior to the conference.
Step 1: download and fill-in the Registration form LUMEN NASHS2021
Step 2: Join the LUMEN Submission Platform and click on Make Submission