LUMEN WLC2016 | Congress Proceedings volume | just published


LUMEN WLC2016 | Congress Proceedings volume | just published

We are pleased to inform you that the proceedings volume of the WLC 2016 – World LUMEN Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 2016 LUMEN 15th Anniversary Edition, 12- 17 of April 2016, Iasi & Suceava, Romania, was just published.
The volume entitled “WLC 2016 – World LUMEN Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 2016 LUMEN 15th Anniversary Edition”, Volume XV, Pages 1- 1115 (September 2016), The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, e-ISSN: 2357-1330, being coordinated by Antonio SANDU, Tomita CIULEI & Ana FRUNZA, has been recently published by the Future Academy.
Please note; the process of application to include the volume (WLC 2016 – World LUMEN Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 2016 LUMEN 15th Anniversary Edition) in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index with Thomson Reuters  has been started by Future Academy Publication team. 
Congratulations to all authors and thank you for your wonderful contribution to the LUMEN experiences and progress!
Join us at the next LUMEN events |

The papers presented at the 2nd CEE LUMEN MEPDEV 2016 and its satellite conferences and workshops can be published:

  • in proceedings volume with ISSN, open access – proposed to Thomson Reuters indexing;
  • special issues in journal indexed in Thomson Reuters – Publication Ethics related topics only;
  • book chapters in collective volume – social work ethics & values topics only
  • special issues in journals indexed in international databases – LUMEN.
We invite you to participate at LUMEN Conferences with oral and poster presentations type (for authors affiliated to institutions and research centers in Romania and abroad) and virtual (for authors affiliated with institutions from abroad).
Thank you for your tremendous contribution to the success of events LUMEN!

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