Publishing in journals and volume indexed in/ or proposed to be indexed in Thomson Reuters (ISI)
- Proceedings volume (ISSN) – (Thomson Reuters Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index)
The volume will be available open access, and will have 100 available positions and will be published in English only, by LUMEN external partners in publishing. The volume will be submitted for evaluation for indexing in Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, by the publishing partner. All LUMEN proceedings volumes, previously published with this partners, which have been proposed to indexation were introduced in the Thomson Reuters list.
Publishing in ISSN journals indexed in International Data Bases
- Postmodern Openings (Index Copernicus; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; CEEOL; Ulrich ProQuest; Cabell, SSRN, Appreciative Inquiry Commons; Journalseek; Scipio; EBSCO, ERIH+) (publication in ENGLISH only)
- Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (Index Copernicus; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; CEEOL; Ulrich ProQuest; Cabell, SSRN, Appreciative Inquiry Commons; Journalseek; Scipio; EBSCO, ERIH+) (publication in ENGLISH only)
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences (IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc) (publication in ENGLISH only)
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences (IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc) (publication in ENGLISH only)
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences and European Studies (IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc) (publication in ENGLISH only)
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law (IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc) (publication either in ENGLISH or in ROMANIAN)
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics and Administrative Sciences (IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc) (publication in ENGLISH only)
ISBN Publication (Volume published by LUMEN Publishing)
- Volume published by LUMEN Publishing
The volume will be published only in Romanian. LUMEN Publishing is CNCS acknowledged, in B Category. The volume is only published if there are at least 20 articles. In this volume we can publish also Romanian versions of the articles published in English in other journals, under LUMEN or its international partners, in which case it is added a supplementary processing fee of 30 euros. In case the author wishes to publish a paper in Romanian, already published in journals in English, it is required to have a supplementary scientific contribution of at least 30% of the initially published text, and an acknowledgment that mentions it.
To submit the full paper, please comply with the publisher requirements of your choice of publication.
You can submit the full paper, ONLY after the abstract has been accepted and the participation fee for the conference has been paid.
To submit the full paper outside the platform, or for any other information regarding the conference, please use the following address:
About the author