Current LUMEN Conference |

7th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference NASHS2020


7th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | CEE NASHS 7th edition | 25-26 June 2020

Dear All, 

We gladly invite you to register to the newest LUMEN scientific event which will take place online only:  7th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference NASHS2020 | June 25- 26, 2020. 

This event is proudly organized by LUMEN Association, LUMEN Conference Center, LUMEN Research Center Iasi, Romania, together with Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

The CEE LUMEN International Conferences aim to highlight and bring into debate the current frameworks in social sciences, with special emphasis on sociology, social work, education, social philosophy, law and communication.

We seek to facilitate the dialogue between practitioners, academics and students on current issues, affiliated to various educational and research institutions, in the fields of social sciences and humanities, within the Central and Eastern European space.

The conference aims at presenting, disseminating and promoting international scientific research results, and increasing the international visibility of the research activity.

There are expected papers in the social sciences and humanities fields, but not limited to:
Section 1 Social Sciences | Sociology, Communication, Social Work, Anthropology
Section 2 Humanities | Applied Philosophy, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Bioethics, History, Religious Studies, Language, Arts & Architecture
Section 3 Education | Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sport
Section 4 Political Sciences | Politics, European Studies, International Relations
Section 5 Law | Public Law & Private Law
Section 6 Economics | Management, Marketing, Economy
Section 7 Miscellaneous
Section 8 Research on Pandemic Related Topics

We seek to facilitate the dialogue between practitioners, academics and students on current issues, affiliated to various educational and research institutions, in the fields of social sciences and humanities, within the Central and Eastern European space.
The conference aims at presenting, disseminating and promoting international scientific research results, and increasing the international visibility of the research activity.

Submit your Abstract today, at!