All LUMEN Conferences
indexed in
Yes, you read that correctly!
January 2017 is a great month for indexing. That is, we are excited to announce that since yesterday, ALL LUMEN Conferences published, are indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters.
The latest indexed was the first Central and Eastern European International Conference NASHS, which took place in September 2015 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
The volume published by Editografica (former MEDIMOND) in 2016, with ISBN 978-88-7587-728-6, edited by Antonio Sandu, Ana Frunza, Gabriel Gorghiu and Emilian Ciongaru is called “Central and Eastern European Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences”.
We invite you to check the Thomson Reuters data base to find the indexing of each article.
NOTE: In order to have access to your paper indexed in Thomson Reuters, you need to institutional or personal access, with user-name and password. For the authors affiliated to Romanian Universities, please contact your University for the account details, in order to access through gateway, offered by (ANELIS Project).
Due to numerous requests from your side, we can provide you with proof of indexing in Thomson Reuters, at an additional cost of 10 euro/paper. For more information, send us an e-mail at