Fees | NASHS 2015



  • participation (oral, virtual, poster presentation)

  • publication

I. Participation services (maxim 4 abstracts of the same author)

Fees for participation/ author
 Registration Oral Poster Virtual
Early: 19th of July 2015 Free – 1st paper10 euro – 2nd to 4th paper 10 euro – from 1st  to 4th  paper 15 euro – from 1st  to 4th  paper
Normal: 1st  of  September 2015 Free – 1st paper; 20 euro – 2nd to 4th paper 20 euro –  for 1st  to 4th  paper 25 euro –  for 1st  to 4th  paper
Participation Optional Services/author
1st  Package: 15 euro 2nd  Package: 35 euro 3rd  Package: 20 euro
Author receives: Certificate of attendance, Printed program The full conference bag (Printed  certificate of attendance + Printed  Conference program + working papers volume) Poster design and print

II.  Publication Services

Publication Services/Paper


1st  Supplementary Services Package:

  • 150 euro 120 Euro – 1st paper
  • 100 euro – 90 euro – from 2nd to 4th paper*
2nd Supplementary Services Package:

  • 80 euro  50 euro – from 1st  to 4th paper**
Author’ benefits


Paper published in proceedings volume (proposed to be covered in  ISI Thomson Reuters – conference Proceedings citation Index)* in case of choosing this package, the cost of basic publication services will be deduct from the fee for publication Paper published in  ISSN proceedings (in journals covered in International Data Bases – IDB)

* 5 pages paper; each extra page is  taxed with 10 euro- up to maximum 10 pages

**15 pages paper; each extra page is  taxed with 10 euro- up to maximum 20 pages

 Extraordinary Administrative Board decision:

The submissions made until 15th of August 2015, with ORAL presentation, who chose publication in journals  (ISSN) indexed in IDB, to benefit of PUBLICATION FEE discount. In this regards, until 15th of August the publication fee will be of 35 Euro/15 pages length paper, instead of 50 euro/15 pages length paper.

Invoices can be provided by organizers only on the name of the payer (institution or person). There will not be sent invoices on other name than the payer.

Payment of participation tax, in EURO, for LUMEN NASHS 2015 Conference*

*This account is available only for participants from outside Romania.  Romanian participants can make payments only using the account in LEI.
Account holder: Asociatia Lumen
CUI: 13720372
Address: Tepes Voda, No. 2
City: Iasi
Postal Code: 700714
Country: Romania
Contact person: Antonio SANDU
Phone: 0740151455
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, camin studentesc T17
City: Iasi
Postal Code: 700714
Country: Romania
IBAN: RO61BTRL02404205i08137XX

Payment of participation tax, in LEI, for LUMEN NASHS 2015 Conference
Account holder: Asociatia Lumen
CUI: 13720372
Address: Tepes Voda, No. 2
City: Iasi
Postal Code: 700714
Country: Romania
Contact person: Antonio SANDU
Phone: 0740151455
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, camin studentesc T17
City: Iasi
Postal Code: 700714
Country: Romania
IBAN: RO86BTRL02401205i08137XX

Significance of payment: Participation or Publication to LUMEN NASHS 2015

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